Special Interest Groups (SIGs)

NACAC Special Interest Groups (SIGs) nurture the growing diversity in our association by providing “micro” communities within which members can network and add value to their NACAC membership experience. These smaller subsets of members are formed for the purpose of knowledge sharing and discussion among members with similar interests whether they are the specific affinities, issues or type of institution or students they serve.

It’s easy to get involved with one of NACAC’s Special Interest Groups. Simply select a group below to learn more about the SIG. If you are a NACAC member, we would encourage you to join the SIG’s community on Engage, our dynamic online membership platform. You may also join the SIG’s social media groups, where available, and contact the SIG’s leaders.

Have questions about joining a SIG, starting a new SIG, or interested in volunteering to lead a SIG? Here’s where to contact us.

The ACAC College Fair Coordinators Special Interest Group is devoted to creating access and equity for students and families to connect with college admission representatives through quality college fairs.

Our mission is to support ACAC College Fair Coordinators by sharing best practices, exploring different models, increasing ACAC revenue stream, and providing feedback to problem-solve challenges.

ACAC College Fairs Coordinators SIG Co-leaders:

Liz Frosini
Director of College Counseling, Seacrest Country Day School (FL)

Carlos Cano
Director of Undergraduate Admissions, Stevens Institute of Technology (NJ)

Engage Community

Join your colleagues on the ACAC College Fairs Coordinators SIG Engage Group to network and discuss topics relevant to the SIG.


The Active Retired Special Interest Group is a group of former college counselors and/or college admission professionals who continue to be involved in NACAC and their affiliate activities. Their goal is to mentor members and continue to support and advance the work of counseling and the admission field.

Engage Community and Facebook Group

Join your colleagues on the Active Retired SIG Engage community to network and discuss topics relevant to the SIG.



SIG Focus: Active Retired

Learn more about the Active Retired SIG from the group’s leaders in a NACAC Bulletin Article from June 21, 2017.


The AI in College Admission SIG is dedicated to bringing together individuals interested in learning how to use AI technology ethically in college admissions. We aim to empower NACAC members by providing educational resources, fostering professional development, and advocating for responsible AI practices in admission.

Contact the AI in College Admission SIG Co-Leaders:

Emily Pacheco – Loyola University Chicago

Sebastian Brown – University of Oregon

Myra Castro – Castro College Consulting

Engage Community and Facebook Group

Join your colleagues on the AI in College Admission Engage community to network and discuss topics relevant to the SIG.


The Alumni & Parent Volunteers Special Interest Group is focused on sharing information on all aspects of successful volunteer recruitment programs. Most colleges or universities use alumni and parent volunteers in some fashion, whether at a college fair or a reception or in an interview with a prospective student. The purpose of this group is to permit admission counselors to share their experiences in working with volunteers. By asking questions, sharing ideas or bouncing ideas off of one another, we will all be able to strengthen our volunteering program, and we will provide a better experience for the prospective students.

Contact the Alumni & Parent Volunteers SIG Co-Leaders:

Courtney Stricklin Burgan

Occidental College

Nicole Fratto Garcia

Trinity University

Engage Community

Join your colleagues on the Alumni Representatives SIG Engage community to network and discuss topics relevant to the SIG.


The Asian American & Pacific Islander (AAPI) Special Interest Group (SIG) empowers AAPI professionals and counselors who advocate on behalf of AAPI students to be active change makers at the national, regional and local levels. We promote student-centered counseling practices that recognize and celebrate the plurality of AAPI identities. We are champions of ethical standards that support AAPI students through the transition to and completion of their postsecondary education, to achieve greater access and equity in higher education for all AAPI identities.

NACAC Asian American & Pacific Islander SIG Leadership: Meet our leadership team here

Contact the Asian American & Pacific Islander SIG Co-Leaders:

Alyson Tom
Castilleja School

Kris Tesoro
University of Michigan – Ann Arbor (MI)

Interested in learning more? Please complete this form to join our email list.

Additionally, members of our SIG contribute to the NACAC Journal. Read our most recent articles below.

The Work Ahead, by Chris Loo
Running From, Then Embracing My Identity, by Alyson Tom

Engage Community and Facebook Groups

Join your colleagues on the Asian American & Pacific Islander SIG Exchange Group to network and discuss topics relevant to the SIG.



The Black and African Diaspora Special Interest Group will support and advance the work of counseling and enrollment professionals as they help the students and the community realize their full potential, with particular emphasis on African American’s transition to postsecondary education. The Black and African Diaspora SIG is committed to promoting highly professional, hands-on community work that fosters ethical and social responsibility.

Black and African Diaspora SIG Co-Leaders:

Warren Quirett
Episcopal High School

Tela Herring
University of Tennessee – Knoxville

Learn more about the SIG’s mission and initiatives.

Black and African Diaspora SIG Interest Form

Show your interest in being part of the Black and African Diaspora SIG.


Engage Community and Social Media Groups

Join your colleagues in the Black and African Diaspora SIG Facebook Group to network and discuss topics relevant to the SIG.




SIG Focus: Black and African Diaspora

The Christian Fellowship Special Interest Group is dedicated to providing a point of spiritual connection and encouragement for its group members.

Christian Fellowship SIG Co-Leaders:

Denise Cunningham
Director of Strategic Partnerships & Initiatives

Jennifer Brase
Dean of College Counseling
Pacifica Christian High School

Tracy Bartholomew
College Counselor, Design Tech High School
Trinity Christian Academy

Christian Fellowship SIG Engage Community & Facebook Group

The College Admission Counseling Graduate Coursework Special Interest Group is focused on reaching out to counseling education programs, which encourage the addition of college admission counseling coursework as well as encourage NACAC members to advocate for more training in school counseling preparation programs. The SIG also provides a forum for interested members to gather and discuss how NACAC can be a presence in supporting better training for aspiring school counselors.

College Admission Counseling Graduate Coursework SIG Co-Leaders:

Patrick O’Connor
Cranbrook Kingswood School

College Admission Counseling Graduate Coursework SIG Engage Community
SIG Focus: College Admission Counseling Graduate Coursework

The Community College/Transfer Special Interest Group is designed to engage people in discussion about the unique issues facing community colleges and transfer students. This is a special interest group for the discussion of issues that relate specifically to the students at community colleges and those that transfer from a community college to a 4-year institution.

Community Colleges/Transfer SIG Co-Leaders:

David Follick
Nassau Community College

Kimberly Bryant
University of Michigan

Community Colleges/Transfer SIG Engage Community

The Community-Based Organizations Special Interest Group is a forum for the discussion of, and advocacy for, issues that impact community-based organizations and the students with whom we work.

Community-Based Organizations SIG Co-Leaders:

Jonathan April
College Greenlight/Cappex at EAB

Pennie Douglas
William H. Douglas Foundation (CA)
Community-Based Organizations SIG Engage Community & Social Media Group

Join your colleagues to network and discuss topics relevant to the SIG.

This SIG provides structure and continuity for a loosely-organized group that, since 2006, has run summer bike tours for college counselors to visit college/university campuses in two dozen states across most regions of the country. First referred to as Tour d’ Admission by rider and writer Jacques Steinberg in the NY Times in July 2009.

Tour d’ Admission groups have ranged in size from half a dozen to nearly twenty participants, including men and women from all regions of the country. In most years, several new riders with the adventurous spirit, cycling and/or outdoor experience, physical fitness, and mental toughness to ride with a peloton averaging 10 to 12 mph with stops, have joined the group. This SIG aims to professionalize our group and create opportunities for new members to join!

Cycling Counselors & Advisors SIG Co-Leaders:

Bruce Hunter
Experienced Interim College Counselor

Paul MacKenzie
Berkshire School

Paul Welsh

Fenton High School

Whitney Bruce

WB College Consulting

Cycling Counselors & Advisors SIG Engage Community

The Disabilities & Neurodiversity SIG’s mission is to facilitate conversations and collaboration among secondary and post-secondary professionals who are committed to the success of students with learning differences.

Disabilities & Neurodiversity SIG Co-Leaders:

Alexander-Morris Wood
Beacon College

Hallie Ciarlone
Delaware Valley Friends School

Disabilities & Neurodiversity SIG Engage Community & Facebook Group


Educators Interested in Catholic Education SIG

The mission of the Educators Interested in Catholic Education SIG is to discuss and work collaboratively on challenges and opportunities that impact educators in Catholic high schools, colleges, and universities, and to foster community between high school and post secondary professionals with an interest in Catholic education.

*All educators welcome; working at a Catholic affiliated school is not required.

Educators Interested in Catholic Education SIG Co-Leaders:
St Mary’s University
Holy Names Academy
Educators Interested in Catholic Education SIG Engage Community

The Emerging Admission Professionals Special Interest Group’s mission is to educate and build community within the future leaders of NACAC and its affiliates. Through collaboration and programming we will inform members of national higher education issues, news, and trends while providing a network from around the country to utilize for information sharing and discussion. The purpose of the group is to provide dedicated, emerging admission and secondary school counselors with a way to gain knowledge to not only enhance their ability to serve the students they work with but to also lead us towards a better future.

Emerging Admission Professionals SIG Engage Community and Facebook Group

​The French Baccalaureate Special Interest Group provides a forum to those who are interested in learning more about the French Baccalaureate diploma. Participants will have the opportunity to share knowledge with each other and to have their questions answered by those who work with the French Baccalaureate diploma in their educational settings. Best standards of practices will be shared. The pedagogical policies, teaching methods, grading structures and educational outcomes shared by French Baccalaureate schools are unique within the education community. There are over 50 French Baccalaureate affiliated schools in the United States and Canada, and over 450 worldwide outside of France.

French Baccalaureate SIG Co-Leaders:
Natalie Bitton
Lycee Francais de San Francisco

Join your colleagues to network and discuss topics relevant to the SIG.


The Hispanic/LatinX Special Interest Group represents the perspectives and concerns of those professionals who are responsible for the counseling, guidance, education, recruitment and transition (from high school to college) of Hispanic/LatinX students. It is also responsible for the dissemination, discussion and representation of any and all related topics, issues and trends relevant to Hispanic/LatinX college admission counseling. It achieves this through meetings, workshops and all available technological means.

Hispanic/LatinX Leader:

Rosemary Martin
University of Maryland College Park

Hispanic/LatinX SIG Engage Community & Facebook Group

Join your colleagues on the Latino/Hispanic SIG Engage Community and/or Facebook Group to network and discuss topics relevant to the SIG.

The Independent Educational Consultants SIG allows all educational consultants not affiliated with schools or colleges to come together to share common issues, including ethical practices, support for students in the college admission process, and emerging issues of concern for our group as well as the greater NACAC audience. The Independent Educational Consultants SIG brings members together to find a forum for mutual support and networking.

Independent Educational Consultants SIG Co-Leaders:
Teo Salgado

Marie Morris
Beyond 18 College Consulting

Independent Educational Consultants SIG Engage Community

The International Baccalaureate Special Interest Group provides a forum for interested parties to learn more about the IB, have questions answered by a representative from the IBO and to share best practices among colleagues.

International Baccalaureate SIG Co-Leaders:
Pamela Joos
Washington International School

Marie Vivas
International Baccalaureate Organization

International Baccalaureate SIG Engage Community & Facebook Group

With a growing number of international students pursuing high school diplomas at US high schools, the International Secondary Students in the US SIG mission is to provide a network to support and advance the work of counselors at schools with international populations, and a forum to share strategies for working with these students and their families through their academic, social, and cultural endeavors at the school and in their transition to college.

International Secondary Students in the US Co-leaders:

Anna Wright
The Benjamin School

Beth Ann Burkmar
Director of College Counseling
George School

Julie Moloney
Assistant Director of College Counseling
The Bolles School

International Secondary Students in the US SIG Engage Community

The mission of the Jewish Schools and Jewish Students SIG is to form a network of members who are concerned about the issues of Jewish students as they relate to the college prep, application and admission processes, as well as their experience on college campuses. We have ‘merged’ with CAJUE-Counselor Advocacy for the Jewish University Experience for the purpose of information sharing, networking and advocacy. CAJUE meets regularly in regions throughout the country, gathers resources and shares information helpful to all constituents. We also serve as a sounding board and concrete resource for each other and often advocate for issues concerning Jewish students.

Jewish Schools and Jewish Students SIG Co-Leaders:
Sherri Geller
Gann Academy

Jackie Rockman
Donna Klein Jewish Academy High School​

Jewish Schools and Students SIG Engage Community


Jewish Schools and Jewish Students SIG Newsletter

The LGBTQ+ SIG provides opportunities for members to discuss issues of college admission that affect LGBTQ+ students and others. The group also tries to decide how to respond to various events that affect our students and colleagues who are dealing with issues, for example, of coming out and bullying.

LGBTQ+ SIG Co-Leaders:

Brandon Mack

To the Top Education

Derek Brinkley

Columbia College Chicago

Matt Lane

The Branson School

Shanae Giles

The Bryn Mawr School

Stacey Cunitz

Blue Moon Educational Consulting

LGBTQ+ SIG Engage Community & Facebook Group

The Millennial Admission Directors and Deans Special Interest Group aims to provide a professional and supportive network for millennial admission leadership to come together to discuss the issues and challenges related to their young leadership roles. The group is for anyone who self-selects themselves as “young” while serving as a senior leader within their office; to that end, there’s no age cutoff, but an estimated time in the profession would likely include at least seven to ten years of experience.

Millennial Admission Directors and Deans SIG Engage Community

Join your colleagues on the Millennial Admission Directors and Deans SIG Engage Community to network and discuss topics relevant to the SIG.
The Native Indigenous Peoples SIG is committed to helping NACAC fulfill its mission of supporting access and promoting high professional standards of social responsibility to American Indians, Alaska Natives, Native Hawaiians and international indigenous students by:
  1. Bringing together professionals with interest or experience in supporting Native students,
  2. Promulgating good practices in advising, recruiting and graduating Native students,
  3. Reaching out to Native professionals and encouraging membership in NACAC and
  4. Proposing initiatives that will allow NACAC to better serve this lightly recognized population.

The indigenous peoples of the United States are less likely to gain access to postsecondary education than any other ethnic population in America. Those who do frequently make use of a Tribal College system that would benefit from the work of NACAC.

Native Indigenous Peoples SIG Co-Leaders:

Danielle Yepa Gunderson

Sandia Preparatory School


Native Indigenous Peoples SIG Engage Community

Join your colleagues on the Native Indigenous Peoples SIG Engage Community to network and discuss topics relevant to the SIG.

The mission of the Performing Arts SIG is to create a network of NACAC members and other interested individuals who are concerned about the issues of performing arts students as they relate to the college prep, application, and admission processes, as well as their experience on college campuses. We seek to provide a space to discuss, advocate, and support matters directly related to performing arts admissions and performing arts education, including, but not limited to, programs in all aspects of music, dance, theatre, and film.

Performing Arts SIG Co-Leaders:
Amy Goldin​
COPA, Inc: College Options in the Performing Arts

Barbara Rapaport​
Rapaport Consulting LLC

Performing Arts SIG Exchange Group

The mission of the Private School Counselors Special Interest Group is to support the work and aspirations of college counseling professionals working with private school students and families.

Private School Counselors SIG Co-Leaders:

Tanya Cummings

St. John’s School (TX)

Darryl Calkins

John Burroughs School (MO)

Nick Dillman

The George School (PA)

Lauren Hoyt

The Hill School (PA)

Private School Counselors SIG Engage Community

Join your colleagues on the Private School Counselors SIG Engage Community to network and discuss topics relevant to the SIG.

The Prospective Student Athlete Advocacy SIG supports efforts to protect the rights and interests of student-athletes in their transition to college and to educate students, parents, admissions professionals, college counselors, and others about the needs of student-athletes in the college admission process.

The group’s scope includes identifying and sharing best practices on the most ethical, transparent and effective ways to support student-athletes in the transition to college; exploring ways to improve communications among counselors, admissions officers, coaches, athletic directors, administrators and faculty; facilitating communications among NACAC, the National College Athletic Association (NCAA), the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA), and other groups; identifying ways to support student athletes in the college transfer process; and exploring ways to support international students in the college transition process.

Prospective Student Athlete Advocacy SIG Engage Community

Join your colleagues on the Prospective Student Athlete Advocacy SIG Engage Community to network and discuss topics relevant to the SIG.

​The Public Charter Schools Special Interest Group is dedicated to building collaborations and sharing best practices among NACAC members who work in and support public charter schools and charter school networks. We seek to build a community of practitioners and advocate for professional development and policies that assist all students promoting college readiness, access and success to completion from application to graduation.

Public Charter Schools SIG Engage Community

Join your colleagues on the Public Charter Schools SIG Engage Community to network and discuss topics relevant to the SIG.

The emphasis of the Public School Counselor SIG is to develop a “voice” for the public school counselor in NACAC affairs and policies. Although we represent the largest numbers of people involved in helping students through the college admission process, we have the smallest representation in NACAC due to many factors, but especially the cost of conference attendance and the inability to get time away from campus to attend. This SIG hopes bring public school counselors together to voice their common concerns and frustrations about the college process and hopefully find solutions through professional sharing of ideas and solutions.

Public School Counselors SIG Co-Leaders:

Candice Mackey
Los Angeles Center for Enriched Studies (LACES-Magnet)

Jennifer Nuechterlein
Hunterdon Central Regional High School (NJ)

Public School Counselors SIG Engage Community

Join your colleagues on the Public School Counselors SIG Engage Community to network and discuss topics relevant to the SIG.

The Puerto Rico Special Interest Group seeks to represent the views and concerns of college admissions professionals responsible for the counseling, guidance, education, recruitment of Puerto Rican students studying in the mainland US and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. The SIG is also responsible for the distribution, discussion and representation of any and all related topics, issues, and trends relevant to Puerto Rican students and college admission counseling professionals who work with this population. This will be achieved through email correspondence, meetings and, workshops.

We hope to increase awareness of the unique issues facing this population and promote a more nuanced approach to their counseling and recruitment.

Puerto Rico SIG Co-Leaders:

Celeste Suris-Rosselli
The Baldwin School

Davin Sweeney
Avenues: The World School

Puerto Rico SIG Engage Community

Join your colleagues on the Puerto Rico SIG Engage Community to network and discuss topics relevant to the SIG.

The mission of the Regional Admission Counselors Special Interest Group is to support and champion the vast and growing number of admissions representatives (and their supporters) who serve their institutions as regionally-based members of the admission team. The Regional Admission Counselors SIG provides an additional forum for the work of the National Association of Regional Admission Counselors (NARAC) and its 25 regional affiliate groups.

Regional Admission Counselors SIG Co-Leaders:

Ed Devine
Hampden-Sydney College

Rae-Anne Mena
Saint Louis University

Regional Admission Counselors SIG Engage Community

Join your colleagues on the Regional Admission Counselors SIG Engage Community to network and discuss topics relevant to the SIG.

The Rural and Small Town SIG mission is to bring rural and small town admissions and college counseling professionals, as well as those committed to rural and small town education, together to increase college access and success, promote college-going culture in rural areas, and support counselors and students at rural and small town schools.

The purpose of the group is to bring together professionals who support rural education and share knowledge of rural assets, challenges, and issues with one another.

All professionals committed to rural and small town student admission, matriculation, and success are welcome to join.

Small Town SIG Co-Leaders:

Kim Jackson
Lenfest Scholars

Megan Taylor

U.P. Scholars – University of Michigan

Rural and Small Town SIG Interest Form & Engage Community

The Visual Arts Special Interest Group is a forum for all disciplines of the visual arts found in the collegiate sphere. Approximately 80% of what we remember is what we see. We are becoming an increasingly visually mediated society, where for more and more people their understanding of the world is being accomplished not through words, but through images. As such, students will require a deeper knowledge and comprehension of the power of visual communication and culture in order to survive in the future economy.

Group discussion and support will include but is not limited to: assisting students find the right fit visual arts program, best practices for the student portfolio, and employment and career advising in the following areas/disciplines (not a comprehensive list):

  • STUDIO ART: Painting, Drawing, Photography, Sculpture, Ceramics, Jewelry, Metalwork, Printmaking, Illustration, Book Art, Graphic Novels/Narrative Art, Calligraphy, Papermaking, Contemporary Craft
  • DESIGN: Visual Communication, Advertising, Graphic Design, Art Direction, Web Design, Game Design, Character Design, Digital Imaging, Interactivity, User Interface (UX), Special Effects, Fashion Design, Industrial Design, Product Design, Transportation Design, Toy Design, Interior Design, Furniture, Glass, Textiles, Technical Theater/Stage Design and Production
  • ARCHITECTURE: Building Design, Landscape Design, Environmental Design, Urban Studies
  • ANIMATION: traditional, 2D, 3D, motion graphics, stop motion
  • FILM: cinematography, videography, editing, directing, screen writing, sound design/production
  • ART HISTORY: Museum Studies, Conservation/Restoration

Visual Arts SIG Co-Leaders:

Laura Young
UCLA School of the Arts and Architecture

D. Jean Hester
Columbus College of Art and Design

Visual Arts SIG Engage Community

Join your colleagues on the Visual Arts SIG Engage Community to network and discuss topics relevant to the SIG.

The Women’s Colleges Special Interest Group’s mission is to support members in their admission work at Women’s Colleges.

Women’s Colleges SIG Engage Community

Join your colleagues on the Women’s Colleges SIG Engage Community to network and discuss topics relevant to the SIG.

The Women in Admission SIG’s mission is to empower and support all female identifying professionals involved in the college admissions process through connection, professional development, and research.

Women in Admission SIG Co-Leaders:

Kimberly Zimmerman
Knox College

Yvonne Espinoza
Yvonne Espinoza College Counseling Services

2022-2023 Women in Admission Special Interest Group – Inaugural Board

Sign Up to be a Micro-Mentor

Sign up today to be a “mentor for a moment” by having a one time 30/45 minute meeting with a fellow Women in Admission SIG member. Let us know the topics where you could offer advice to others, and we’ll take care of the rest. Sign up today.

If you are looking for advice, reach out to these volunteers after browsing the topics they’ve listed in our active database.

Women in Admission SIG Email List

Join the Women Council for Admission Professionals Facebook Group

Join your colleagues in this group to network and discuss topics relevant to the SIG.

Join the Women Council for Admission Professionals LinkedIn Group

Join your colleagues in this group to network and discuss topics relevant to the SIG.

Join the Women in Admission Engage Community

Women in Admission SIG Webinar Schedule

The Women In Admission SIG has a series of terrific webinars scheduled on a monthly basis. Connect with us on one of the above social channels or join our mailing list if you’d like to be notified of upcoming events or to volunteer.