Ad Hoc Committee on Centering Students in the Development of Equitable Admission Practices

The committee was asked to help NACAC operationalize the recommendations from the NACAC-NASFAA report, Toward a More Equitable Future for Postsecondary Access, that institutions include students in the development of college admission counseling policies and practices, particularly where questions of equity are involved. The committee created a framework for institutions to use in identifying student populations for inclusion, structuring conversations with students, and integrating student recommendations into policy and practice. In a departure from past NACAC ad hoc committees, this committee included student participants in the process of developing further plans and recommendations.

Committee Members

James B. Massey, Jr., Co-Chair
University of Maryland College Park

Ashley Pallie, Co-Chair
California Institute of Technology

Ashley Armato
Palmer Trinity School (FL)

Casandra Cabral-Castro
Moravian University (PA)

Yolanda Coleman
Woodward Academy (GA)

Arezu Corella
University of Arizona

Liz Creighton
Williams College (MA)

Barbara Gao Shapiro
Success Academy Charter Schools (NY)

Stephanie Gonzalez
Trinity School (NY)

Robert Gould
Augsburg University (MN)

Norma Gutierrez
Saint Thomas Academy (MN)

Jordan Holliday-Millard
UNC Charlotte

Lafayetta (Faye) Hood
Cristo Rey Network (IL)

Fitima Jackson
Rice University (TX)

Rebecca Mulholland
University of Rhode Island

Elyan Paz
Macalester College (MN)

Warren Quirett
Episcopal High School (VA)

Mary Randers
Austin College (TX)

Emily Roper-Doten
Olin College of Engineering (MA)

Dwight Sanchez
Warner Pacific University (OR)

Karen Vahey
New York Institute of Technology

Leticia Vasquez
Double Discovery Center at Columbia University (NY)

Melinda Wood
James Madison University (VA)

Committee Demographics

Race and Ethnicity

  • African American
  • Asian American/Pacific Islander
  • Caucasian/White
  • Hispanic/Latino
  • Multi-racial
  • Other

Institution Type

  • Public Secondary
  • Public Postsecondary
  • Private Secondary
  • Private Postsecondary
  • Organization


  • Female
  • Male