Congratulations! Look at all these acceptance letters. Now’s the time to make your big decision. Make it an informed one.
Avoiding Senioritis
The symptoms show up every year. High school seniors try to balance extracurricular activities, a social life, college admission, [...]
Avoiding Summer Melt
By Sean Nyhan There are reasons why you don’t hop in the car and head straight to college after [...]
Building Your College Class Schedule
By Kenneth McGhee Congratulations! You’ve completed high school and are busy planning for your first year in college. Soon [...]
College Openings Update
College Openings Update has closed for the year. See you in Spring 2025. NACAC’s annual College [...]
Commuting: Is it the Right Fit?
Whether it’s because of financial restrictions, parental concerns, or a desire to stay connected with your family, living off-campus [...]
Determining the Right Fit
When constructing your college list or making a final decision, the idea of “fit” is complex. There are many important, [...]
Plan B: What if I’m Not Accepted to College?
Perhaps you aimed too high, didn't include a safety school, or just faced a more competitive pool of applicants [...]
Taking a Gap Year
Students can explore careers, travel, or save money for higher education during a gap year, which typically lasts 12 [...]
Your College Major: An Open-Ended Journey, Not a Pop Quiz
By Sean Nyhan Your first visit to a college campus can be like walking on the moon. Everything is [...]