Tuesday, March 25th at 1:00pm ET

To help you adapt or respond to changing conditions, NACAC is offering a Community Conversation webinar where members can gather with association leaders and experts in the field to discuss the challenges of the moment, including recent policy and legal developments. The Community Conversation on March 25 will feature Mike Gavin, president of Delta College.

Legislatures, courtrooms, and media scrutinize institutional autonomy and academic freedom nationwide. Leaders need concrete tactics and strategies to navigate legislation and politics interfering with their institutional missions. This session provides concrete tactics tailored to ensure overreach does not occur and to reduce the chilling effect on institutional culture while aligning internal and external stakeholders toward the college’s mission. Participants will leave with an action plan for their institutions to navigate their context.


  • Mike Gavin, President, Delta College BIO
  • John Hollemon, Director of DEI, NACAC

This webinar is for NACAC members only.

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