Message from the Chair
December 2023 NACAC Board Meeting Update

The NACAC Board of Directors’ annual retreat and meeting, hosted in December at UConn Hartford, offered the newly composed board time for in-depth strategic conversations and the opportunity to discuss and vote on matters critical to NACAC. It was an honor to lead my first meeting as chair, and I am pleased to share this meeting update with you.
I extend sincere gratitude to Immediate Past Chair Vern Granger for hosting us at UConn Hartford. We met in a room overlooking the campus’s main building. We could see students studying, gathering, and getting to their classes. It was an active reminder of the impactful work you all do and how our collective effort to advance postsecondary access remains central to the work of the board.
Highlights from the retreat and meeting include:
Board development
We looked inward at our board’s development and practices through a facilitated session with an organizational change consultant. We analyzed what NACAC may need from the board to support its ongoing evolution, following a period of tremendous challenge and growth. The board spent an afternoon with University of Connecticut President Radenka Maric, Trinity College President Joanne Berger Sweeney, and Connecticut House Majority Leader Jason Rojas to gain their insights about courageous leadership, making difficult decisions, and how to stay professionally grounded.
Board goals
The board is charged with setting the strategic direction for NACAC and establishing goals for staff to use in designing, implementing, and leading initiatives and programs. To allow for sustained and measurable progress, the board decided to establish goals for a three-year period.
2024-26 Board Goals
- Bolster efforts to strengthen NACAC’s affinity, affiliate, and volunteer leadership programs.
- Advance NACAC’s ongoing efforts to improve diversity, equity, and inclusion within the college
admission counseling and enrollment management professions. - Ensure NACAC’s mission, vision, research, and membership feedback guide initiatives to
increase engagement and provide customized content across membership types. - Elevate and amplify NACAC as the premier association for the college admission counseling
profession. - Develop and lead the global conversation regarding holistic college admission.
- Deepen support for the professional needs of underrepresented populations (member-types,
institutions, etc.) within and served by the association. - Cultivate and grow a culture of philanthropy through grantmaking, fundraising, partnerships,
and beyond.
Revisions to NACAC awards
The board approved the Strategy Committee’s recommended updates to the descriptions of NACAC’s awards to create opportunities for the recognition of a wider range of contributions to the profession. The updated award descriptions are available online and the award nomination process will begin in March 2024. Please consider who you will nominate for an award in 2024.
Budget approval
NACAC staff provided the board with a detailed presentation on the organization’s FY2024 budget. Ensuring NACAC’s fiscal health is a critical responsibility of the board, and we are pleased to have approved the 2024 budget. Members will receive a financial update during the Annual Membership Meeting at NACAC Conference 2024 in Los Angeles.
Future board members
This is my fifth year as a member of the board. I spent three years as a board director, one year as chair-elect, and now I have the honor of serving as chair of the board. We opened our board retreat with each of us sharing what NACAC means to us. I shared that NACAC means representation and advocacy. To keep us as representative as possible, we need diverse voices and perspectives on the board. In 2024, there will be two open positions as a board director, and the position of chair-elect. I encourage you to ask yourself if you’re ready to seek out a seat at this table. Serving on the board develops you as a leader and serves the future of your profession. I hope you’ll consider applying when the application process begins in January.
If you have questions about our board meeting, please contact
With one of our new board goals centered on growing a culture of philanthropy, I encourage you to consider NACAC in your giving plans.
I look forward to sharing more updates as the board continues its work together.
With gratitude,
Angelica Melendez
Chair of the Board