Taylor Ditto
Associate Director of College Counseling
Saint Mary’s Hall (TX)

What drew you to the world of college admission counseling?
I fell into college admission counseling by chance! I worked as a public school counselor but was frustrated by the many balls we were expected to keep in the air. I took a risk and applied for a job in college counseling and found my place! While this industry changes all the time, I truly enjoy my career and can’t imagine doing anything else.

What is your favorite part of the job?
The relationships I am able to build with students is my favorite part of my job! Working at an independent school like Saint Mary’s Hall has allowed me to truly get to know my students and help them focus on their future plans. This allows me to help the student and the family build a very intentional college list. It’s a privilege to walk with young people as they discover their future.

How has NACAC played a role in your career?
Through NACAC, I have been able to grow as a professional. Not only are the educational opportunities amazing, but the colleagues I have met along the way have been incredibly impactful. I now have colleagues and friends that I would have never met if it weren’t for NACAC.

What do you think is the biggest challenge facing our profession today?

Access and equity for sure! For many students, there are still too many barriers to a college education. As a profession, we want to see all students succeed. While we don’t have all the answers, it is amazing to be a part of an organization that prioritizes change for good.

When you aren’t working, what do you like to do?
I love reading, binge watching TV shows, listening to live music, and being with family and friends. I’m involved with local animal rescue organizations and enjoying helping out in any way I can.

What five words would you use to describe yourself?
Optimistic, empathetic, cheerful, emotional, authentic.


Published July 10, 2023