Jessica Greene
Director of Enrollment Systems & Operations
University of West Florida

What drew you to the world of college admission counseling?
What drew me to the world of college admission counseling was a culmination of experiences and passions. Initially, while pursuing my master’s degree in educational leadership with an emphasis in higher education at the University of Lynchburg (VA), I had the privilege of serving as a graduate assistant while coaching collegiate field hockey. It was during this time that I performed an internship in undergraduate admissions.

This experience was transformative. As a first-generation college student and Pell recipient myself, I deeply resonated with the admissions process and its potential to ignite upward social mobility through higher education. Helping others became my driving force, and since then, I’ve never looked back.

What is your favorite part of the job?
My favorite part of the job is leveraging technology to create efficiency for our team and applicants. In my role overseeing freshman and transfer admissions processing — as well as managing the Slate CRM and document imaging for admissions, financial aid, and the registrar — I thrive on streamlining processes. For example, offering an application fee waiver to any Title I high school student through our application technology is incredibly rewarding. Technology serves as a powerful tool in removing barriers in the college admission process, and being able to facilitate that is immensely fulfilling.

How has NACAC played a role in your career?
NACAC has played a significant role in shaping my career in college admission counseling. I’ve always been committed to honoring our profession and the values upheld by NACAC. Serving at the affiliate level within WACAC as chair of the Government Relations and Advocacy Committee provided invaluable opportunities for learning and growth. Attending the annual NACAC conferences and participating in NACAC advocacy meetings in Washington, D.C., further enriched my understanding of the field and allowed me to connect with peers. NACAC serves as a hub for sharing best practices and networking with professionals in the industry. Currently, as the NACAC Women in Admission Special Interest Group (SIG) Membership Committee co-chair, I continue to engage with and contribute to the vibrant community fostered by NACAC.

What do you think is the biggest challenge facing our profession today?
I believe one of the biggest challenges facing our profession today is the erosion of public confidence in higher education. Despite college being a proven vehicle for upward mobility and a public good, recent years have seen a decline in trust and perception. My own journey underscores the transformative power of higher education, and it’s disheartening to witness this shift in perception. Rebuilding public trust and emphasizing the positive impact of higher education is crucial to ensuring its continued accessibility and relevance in society.

When you aren’t working, what do you like to do?
When I’m not working, I cherish spending quality time with my husband, daughter, and dogs. We love taking leisurely beach walks together. It’s a refreshing way to unwind and create lasting memories with my loved ones.

What five words would you use to describe yourself?
Persistent, dedicated, energetic, compassionate, and consistent.


Published Aug. 12, 2024