Here’s a list of the most frequently asked questions related to the NACAC 2024 Annual Member Vote. Looking for an answer not covered here? Contact

Who is eligible to vote?

  • As stated in NACAC’s Bylaws, only NACAC voting members in good standing on the sixtieth (60) day prior to the start of voting, May 25, 2024, are eligible to vote.

What will we be voting on?

  • The vote includes the election of the chair-elect of the board and two directors.

What is the approval process?

  • 1,000 eligible voting members must submit a ballot to constitute a quorum.
  • Results of the election will be decided by a simple majority.

When and how will the vote take place?

  • Online voting will begin on Wednesday, July 24 at 10 a.m. ET and continue until 5 p.m. ET on Friday, Sept. 6. Watch your email for a personalized voting link on July 24 coming to you from Election Buddy.
  • If your institution blocks such emails, please contact to provide an alternate email address to receive your ballot. To ensure that your ballot does not end up in your spam folder, please add to your safe recipient list.

When will the results be announced? 

  • All members will receive an email message as soon as possible after the results of the Annual Member Vote are confirmed.

Where can I get more information?

What is the timeline?

  • May 30 – Annual Member Vote 2024 announced.
  • July 24: Voting opens at 10 a.m. ET
  • Sept. 6: Voting closes at 5 p.m. ET

The 2024 Annual Member Vote is governed by the 2024 Campaign Guidelines for NACAC Board of Directors Nominees.