The Supreme Court and Race-Conscious Admission
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Research and Resources
Navigating the Post-SFFA Landscape: Advancing Equity-Minded, Law-Attentive Priority Actions in Graduate, Undergraduate and Professional Higher Education
EducationCounsel, a NACAC partner, created a helpful guide for postsecondary institutions to use when navigating the post-SFFA admission landscape.
American Council on Education (ACE) annual conference SCOTUS session featuring Art Coleman, EducationCounsel
As higher education institutions and their students wait for the U.S. Supreme Court to release its decision on the two race in admissions cases the justices heard Oct. 31, ACE is sharing a transcript of the session held at ACE2023 earlier this month that was aimed at helping campus leaders prepare for the outcome of the cases.
The Access and Diversity Collaborative’s Action Guide for Higher Education
The Access and Diversity Collaborative (ADC), of which NACAC is a sponsoring member, has developed an action guide for postsecondary institutions to begin preparing for the Supreme Court’s decision in the Harvard and UNC cases later this year. NACAC will provide additional guidance and educational resources in the months ahead.
Amicus Brief
NACAC is proud to be among the scores of education-focused organizations that submitted amicus briefs to the Supreme Court. Read the Amicus Brief

College Admissions Decoded Podcast Episode: Race-Conscious Admission and the Potential Implications of the Upcoming Supreme Court Ruling
Recorded November 14th, 2022 | 38:01
Resources mentioned in the episode:
- The Playbook: Understanding the Role of Race Neutral Strategies in Advancing Higher Education Diversity Goals, 2nd Edition – All Access, News for College Board Members
- Students for Fair Admissions, Inc. v. University of North Carolina, What the Federal District Court Said and What It Can Mean for Postsecondary Institutions that Consider Race in Admissions – All Access, News for College Board Members
News Coverage