Email Broadcast
Are you ready to rent one of NACAC’s Email Broadcasts? Submit our Outgrow application form below and a member of our team will be in touch.
Email lists are not provided directly to the renting organization. NACAC will send an HTML-formatted email broadcast to contacts on your behalf. Your email broadcast will not be scheduled until all items are received and approved. Orders are processed on a first-come-first served basis.
Category | Email Broadcast |
Full File | $2500 |
College / University Only | $2000 |
Secondary Schools Only | $2000 |
Secondary Schools and
$2000 |
HTML Requirements
Your HTML email must follow these parameters:
- HTML emails should either be built in an outside HTML editor like Dreamweaver or inside an Email platform editor
- 600-650 pixels wide
- Uses inline CSS styles and does NOT reference an outside CSS stylesheet (like a web page would)
- 80/20 text to graphic ratio
- Includes a text version
- Does not use background images
- Does not contain full URLs in the message body. Must use hyperlinks like “Click here” to prevent blacklisting domains in an email
- Uses Responsive HTML mark-up code to render correctly on mobile devices and tablets, etc.,
- Not generated Microsoft Office or another similar program
- Contain straight HTML, no JavaScript or embedded items like videos
What You Must Provide:
❑ .HTM or .HTML File – FINAL HTML FILES ONLY. Any images used in your email must be linked back to an active website.
❑ .TXT File – FINAL TEXT ONLY COPY OF THE FILE. Including all URLs as needed.