Ad Hoc Committee for Centering Student Voices in the Secondary Counseling and College Advising Process
A new committee for 2025.
NACAC’s “Centering Student Voices in Equitable Admission Practices” ad hoc committee report noted that an opportunity for future research “pertained to the role of students in shaping the K-12 experience, particularly…postsecondary readiness and preparation.” Given that the focus of the 2023 centering student voices ad hoc committee was solely focused on postsecondary admission, the committee noted that “a similar exploration of the student experience in K-12 schools would seem a logical next step.” Uplifting the secondary counseling and college advising process would be a further step toward operationalizing the recommendations of the 2022 “Toward a More Equitable Future for Postsecondary Access” report and empowering this important segment of NACAC members.
The committee, which will include both professional and student members, will be charged with creating a model for student engagement and a framework to assist public and private secondary institutions and NACAC in identifying opportunities for student engagement in service to equity in the secondary counseling and college advising process.