Native Indigenous Peoples SIG

The Native Indigenous Peoples SIG is committed to helping NACAC fulfill its mission of supporting access and promoting high professional standards of social responsibility to American Indians, Alaska Natives, Native Hawaiians and international indigenous students by:
  1. Bringing together professionals with interest or experience in supporting Native students,
  2. Promulgating good practices in advising, recruiting and graduating Native students,
  3. Reaching out to Native professionals and encouraging membership in NACAC and
  4. Proposing initiatives that will allow NACAC to better serve this lightly recognized population.

The indigenous peoples of the United States are less likely to gain access to postsecondary education than any other ethnic population in America. Those who do frequently make use of a Tribal College system that would benefit from the work of NACAC.

Native Indigenous Peoples SIG Co-Leaders:

Danielle Yepa Gunderson

Sandia Preparatory School


Native Indigenous Peoples SIG Engage Community

Join your colleagues on the Native Indigenous Peoples SIG Engage Community to network and discuss topics relevant to the SIG.