First unveiled to members at NACAC Conference 2022, the new logo and website better align the organization’s visual identity with its mission and vision. 

Arlington, VA (October 17, 2022) – The National Association for College Admission Counseling today unveiled a new logo and redesigned website at As the organization has undergone major changes in its approach to member engagement, events, communications, and advocacy, a new approach to its visual identity and website user experience became a priority. Along with a new mission and vision announced in 2021, a redesigned look updates the visual identity to match the member experience.

“When our members and partners experience the website, we hope it conveys how NACAC is a forward-thinking organization with energy and optimism for the profession of college admission counseling,” said CEO Angel B. Perez. “We created a visual identity that shows how we are always in motion and ready to take initiative on behalf of our members and the students they serve.”

Features of the new logo:

  • The triangle image has pathways extending in various directions, all moving forward.
  • The lines in the triangle represent:
    • the pathways NACAC helps professionals define as their careers progress
    • how NACAC members help students define their academic journeys
    • light shining through the triangle, representing the clarity and insights made possible by NACAC’s engagement, research, and advocacy.
  • The use of the organization’s full name in the logo helps audiences less familiar with NACAC understand our focus.
  • The words “College Admission Counseling” are in bold because it is the core of our work.
  • The font, FS ME, was selected because it was designed with legibility in mind and created especially for those with learning disabilities.
  • The new color palette was designed for accessibility for individuals with colorblindness.

Features of the new website:

  • New content structure
  • New layout, colors, and design to align with the new logo
  • Improved search functionality
  • Updated navigation designed according to visitor data
  • Easier-to-find resources

The website will continue to undergo improvements as usage is analyzed and new features are implemented.